[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

The Saudi Ministry of Justice should immediately stop publishing statements aimed at damaging the reputation of a young Saudi rape victim who spoke out publicly about her ordeal and her efforts to find justice, said HRW.
Un hôpital du nord de l’Angleterre a accepté de tourner vers La Mecque les lits de ses patients musulmans les plus gravement malades qui en font la demande, a annoncé mardi un porte-parole.
Le vin dans le monde arabe connaît une nouvelle jeunesse avec une production et un chiffre d’affaires en pleine croissance, ainsi qu’une amélioration constante de sa qualité, malgré l’opposition des islamistes.
The Irish Supreme Muslim Council speaks out against the verdict of guilt issued by a Sudanese Court against a British school teacher for allegedly 'insulting religion'.
Gillian Gibbons, the British teacher jailed in Sudan for insulting Islam in a row over a teddy bear, flew out of Khartoum tonight after being pardoned by the country’s President.
"Yet the continued existence of women's and human rights activists in Sudan, as well as the diversity of Muslim culture found in Darfur, demonstrates that whoever instigated this latest incident cannot claim to speak in the name of all Sudanese."
La police soudanaise a arrêté une institutrice britannique et l’a accusée d’insultes envers le prophète Mahomet pour avoir permis à des écoliers de nommer un ours en peluche Mohamed, ce qui la rend passible de coups de fouets et d’expulsion.
"Some reports said protesters had called for her to be shot. Her lawyer said she was later moved for her own safety."
The British Foreign Office demands an explanation from Sudan, where a British primary school teacher was charged yesterday with "insulting religion and inciting hatred" after allowing children in her class to name a teddy bear Muhammad.
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