[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

Les deux accusés condamnés à vingt-trois ans de réclusion criminelle.
"Islamic authorities took away the baby of a Muslim woman who is living as a Hindu in defiance of the law in the latest case of religious conflict straining ties in multiethnic Malaysia, officials said Friday."
Le refus de la juge d'accorder le divorce à une femme musulmane victime de violences conjugales a suscité de vives protestations et relancé les critiques contre la tendance au relativisme culturel.

This Occasional Paper features recent activities of one of WLUML's networking organisations based in the UK. In addition, Dr Nadje Al-Ali is an active UK networker and Sundus Abass is an active networker in Iraq. In July 2006 Act Together, Women's Action for Iraq, hosted Sundus Abass, Director of Women in Leadership Institute, Baghdad, in London for 15 days.

The government has informed the Supreme Court that Muslims have a right to establish Shariat panchayats to settle disputes between two people and fatwas issued by these courts are not in conflict with or parallel to the Indian judicial system.
An appeals court has upheld the decision of a judge in the northern city of Al-Jouf in October to divorce a couple in absentia at the request of the wife’s half brothers.
This research aims to deepen our understanding on the dynamics of polygamous families, their different experiences, needs and concerns. Through the results, we hope to have a clearer knowledge on how polygamy affects and impacts upon family life.

The papers relate to a variety of contexts and global issues: Afghanistan, Algeria, Austria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Gambia, India, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Palestine, Rwanda, South Africa, USA, Yugoslavia, Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender identities, multiculturalism, the Internet, as well as fundamentalisms in Catholic, Hindu and Jewish contexts.

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