[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

"Saudi justice officials say a woman who was sentenced to prison and flogging after she was gang-raped has now 'confessed' to an extramarital affair."
A judge in Saudi Arabia has ordered a victim of gang rape to receive 200 lashes - more than double her original sentence for being alone with a man who was not a relative - after she appealed against the lenient sentences given to the men who attacked her.
Un tribunal saoudien vient de doubler la peine de flagellation à laquelle avait été condamnée une jeune femme violée, qui parla de son cas à la presse.
Maha Akeel asks, "at what age and under what circumstances does the system and society recognize a woman as a responsible, independent adult who can make her own decision and choices and have full rights as a citizen?"
“Nous sommes inquiets de voir que de nombreux responsables, magistrats ou individus ont une compréhension simpliste de la charia qui néglige les droits fondamentaux d’un accusé tout comme les nombreux droits des femmes,” s’est alarmé le directeur de HRW.
Les militants intégristes partisans de l’application stricte de la loi islamique, la Charia, sont de plus en plus actifs dans la Province de la Frontière du Nord-Ouest (NWFP).
Secretary General of the Iranian Human Rights Committee declares stoning is neither torture nor an incongruous punishment.
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has for the first time said that Malaysia was an Islamic state and not a secular state.
It may have drawn "deep concern" from a United Nations committee, but Islamic law in Singapore is far from cast in stone.
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