[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

Le pouvoir judiciaire iranien a suspendu l'exécution d'un couple adultère par lapidation, prévue jeudi dans un cimetière de la ville de Takestan (nord-est), a rapporté mercredi l'agence Fars.
The Stop Stoning Forever Campaign invites all citizens of the world to contact the Iranian officials by phone and/or fax and ask them to stop the public stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimin, the 43 year old mother of three children, and her partner, the father of her 11 year old child. Please note that email may not be effective.

Also, please note the time difference since the stoning is scheduled for Thursday, 21 June 2007, in the morning, Tehran time, which is Wednesday evening and midnight in the US and Europe. Please act now before it is too late!

Le bureau de Showraye Tameen de la province de Ghazvin a publié l'ordre de lapider un homme et une femme en public demain.
"When each and every person's unqualified opinion is considered a fatwa we lose a tool that is of the utmost importance for reigning in extremism and preserving the flexibility and balance of Islamic law."
Miss Joy, now 43, converted to Christianity in her 20s, changing her name from Azlina Jailani. She wants to wed her Christian boyfriend but Malaysia in effect bans Muslims from marrying outside the faith.
Growing assertiveness of Islamic courts intrudes on the rights of non-Muslims and threatens social harmony in the prosperous nation, says Sadanand Dhume.
Nigerian Islamic police have demolished four theatres in the north-western state of Kano in a campaign to stamp out anti-social and immoral behaviour.
In areas such as Kano it is corruption, not religion, fuelling Muslim extremism.
"Boire de l'alcool est strictement interdit". Le message est affiché à l'entrée d'un parc municipal du quartier d'Eryaman, dans la banlieue d'Ankara.
A Malaysian Islamic court has extended the detention of a Muslim-born woman living as a Hindu in defiance of the law after she refused to be 'rehabilitated'.
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