[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

We urge all concerned citizens to immediately contact the Iranian officials by phone and/or fax to request them to stop the scheduled stoning to death of Zohreh and Azar Kabiri in Iran. More information and a sample letter are available in Urdu here:
"Governments, media, religo-political parties and other influential groups have been presenting the imposition of Islamic law as a panacea for all social, political and economic ills."
Two Iranian sisters convicted of adultery face being stoned to death after the supreme court upheld the death sentences against them, the Etemad newspaper Monday quoted their lawyer as saying.
The Women Living Under Muslim Laws international solidarity network, and the Global Campaign Stop Killing and Stoning Women! urges all concerned citizens to immediately contact the Iranian officials by phone and/or fax to request them to stop the scheduled stoning to death of Zohreh and Azar Kabiri in Iran.
Afghanistan’s Upper House of Parliament rejected a previous statement released by its president, that supported the young journalist’s death sentence for possessing an article questioning women’s role in Islam.
Après les Emirats arabes unis et le royaume de Bahrein, c’est au tour de la République islamique du Soudan d’opter pour un week-end semi-universel.
A lecture by the Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, a Justice of the High Court of Australia, the highest court in Australia at Griffith University, Friday, 16 November, 2007 on the subject of "Fundamental Human Rights and Religious Apostasy".
En l’absence de toute autorité religieuse reconnue, chargée de valider les fatwas, chaque ouléma autoproclamé peut prétendre justifier ses décrets et les légitimer par ses propres interprétations du Coran ou de la Tradition.
News and commentary on a Hindu woman, Subashini, who launched an appeal after being told to go to the 'Syariah Court' in her dispute with her Muslim convert husband over her matrimonial and custodial rights.
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