[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

Samia S., accused of having damaged a Quran and sentenced last September to 10 years imprisonment, was acquitted on 28 October 2008 by the judge of the criminal division of the Court of Biskra.
"The National Fatwa Council has ruled that tomboyism, where a girl behaves or dresses in a boyish manner, is forbidden in Islam."
According to Algerian Newspaper El Watan, last September a young women aged 26 was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Biskra, southern Algeria, where she is already detained for previous offence. She is accused of having damaged a Quran.
On 29 September, a court in Biskra sentenced 6 men to 4 years in prison and a 1000 euro fine, for eating in public during the fasting hours of Ramadan. The verdict has since been overturned and the prisoners are freed.
Les 6 hommes condamnés le 29 septembre 2008 à 4 ans de prison ferme assortis de 100 000 DA d’amende pour « non-respect d’un fondement de l’Islam » ont été acquittés hier par le tribunal pénal près la cour de justice de Biskra.
Les six condamnés avaient été surpris en train de manger en plein centre-ville de Biskra, une ville du sud-est du pays, avant la rupture du jeûne.
For the first time, 6 people in Southern Algeria have been sentenced to four years in jail and a $1300 fine for breaking the Ramadan fast.
Nigerian Mohammed Bello Abubakar, 84, has advised other men not to follow his example and marry 86 women.
The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! (SKSW Campaign) welcome the news that the sentence of four Iranians to die by stoning has recently been commuted by the Iranian judiciary. However, the SKSW Campaign could not celebrate quite yet...
A female student in the Iranian city of Zanjan who alleged she was sexually harassed by a senior male lecturer - triggering a massive demonstration by her fellow students - has herself been arrested.
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