[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

On Tuesday local Taliban pasted leaflets at mosques in Bilitang town, 22 km east of Kohat city in Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province, warning women and schoolgirls to wear the burqa and not to venture out of their houses without a male family member.
""Islamic" paramilitary groups claim constantly that they are the true defenders of Islam, saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is great) while at the same time lashing women with bamboo."
The Vatican issued its most explicit decree so far against the ordination of women priests on Thursday, punishing them and the bishops who try to ordain them with automatic excommunication.
Selon le décret publié jeudi, "celui qui se risquera à attribuer l'ordre sacré à une femme, comme la femme qui aura osé recevoir l'ordre sacré, risque l'excommunication 'latae sentantiae'".
A draft proposal put forth last week would ban loud music, women and men mingling in public, billiards, and more.
Nahid Siddiqui is one of the finest Kathak dancers and choreographers from Pakistan. Meenakshi Sinha spoke with her at Jaipur:
A couple have been stoned to death for 'adultery' in the tribal areas of northern Pakistan. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan condemns the murder.
"A controversy erupted this week in Saudi Arabia when some scholars suggested that the top religious organization in the Kingdom, the Supreme Council of Scholars, should include women."
"Bangladesh, whose population is 90 per cent Muslim, has a secular legal system but in matters related to inheritance and marriage Muslims follow Sharia law."
The Cassation Court in Riyadh has sent the case of a Sri Lankan maid, who was sentenced to death last year for allegedly murdering a four-month-old baby in her care, to the Supreme Judicial Council, the Kingdom’s final appeals court.
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