[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

More and more Uzbeks are marrying according to the Muslim rite but without going through the civil registration process. Commentators note that unless a marriage is officially recognised, wives in particular enjoy few legal protections.
"“Les femmes relèvent de notre responsabilité et nous ne devons pas les impliquer dans ce qui n’est pas adapté à leur nature”, a affirmé le mufti en réponse à une question sur l’emploi des femmes comme vendeuses de lingerie."
Le ministère algérien de l'Education veut interdire le maquillage dans les écoles à compter du 3 janvier.
Saudi Arabia's grand mufti has objected to women working in lingerie shops, despite the labour ministry's approval and rising complaints from female customers about male-only staff, papers said.
Malaysia's prime minister said Wednesday Muslims should still take up yoga, reversing an outright ban that has drawn widespread protests amid concerns over growing Islamic fundamentalism in the multiracial nation.
Activists and concerned citizens across Indonesia are denouncing a new Anti-Pornography law passed in October 2008, which they feel will endanger Indonesian unity as well as women's rights and sexual rights.
"And how do the authorities define manly behaviour? Not gentle and demure enough? Talking too loudly? Who would and how could one define and determine whether a woman is a tomboy or a lesbian?"
Zainah Anwar of "Sisters in Islam" comments on the series of recent fatwas issued in Malaysia, including those against practising yoga.
The National Fatwa Council will soon announce its stand on Muslims practising yoga, Department of Islamic Development Malaysia said.
Samia S., accusée d’avoir souillé le Coran et condamnée au mois de septembre dernier à 10 ans de prison ferme, a été acquittée hier par le juge près la chambre pénale de la cour de Biskra.
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