[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

"Falih later retracted her confession in court, claiming it was extracted under duress, and said that as an illiterate woman, she did not understand the document she was forced to fingerprint."
وكانت المحكمة في القريات، بتاريخ 2 أبريل/نيسان 2006 (3/3/1427) قد حكمت عليها بالإعدام بقطع الرأس جراء جرائم مزعومة "بعمل السحر والاستعانة بالجن وذبح" الحيوانا
Mona Eltahawy asks, "What's wrong with the British legal system that religious groups are allowed to create parallel systems to it?"
Pragna Patel argues, "in the rush to be tolerant or sensitive to religious difference, they have created the space for the most authoritarian and even fundamentalist religious leaders to take control of our communities."
An ex-husband is challenging a Canadian Supreme Court judgment that has been heralded as a major boost in the global cause for Jewish women's stronger religious divorce rights. The woman in the case doesn't think he has a chance.
ایران: حکم سنگسار زهره و آذر کبیری را متوقف کنید
Polygamous Muslims in Ontario receive benefits, although polygamy is officially illegal in Canada.
"I don't believe in a multicultural society," he says firmly. "When people come into this country they have to obey the laws of the land."
Husbands with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits following a year-long Government review, The Sunday Telegraph revealed.
He said there was an argument that aspects of sharia law, such as those involving divorce, financial transactions and the settling of disputes, could be accommodated with British legislation.
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