[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

Phénomène marginal au Canada, la polygamie est devenue un sujet de débat public, opposant les défenseurs d'une pratique associée à leur "liberté religieuse" à ceux qui prônent le maintien de son interdiction au nom des droits des femmes et des enfants.
Nous dénonçons souvent le soutien réciproque que s'apportent les intégrismes chrétien, musulman et juif.
We have received this open appeal for support from like-minded Muslim organizations and individuals around the globe to protest the recent passing of the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2005 by the Malaysian Senate.
Women in the northern Nigerian state of Kano are ignoring a ban stopping them travelling on public motorbike taxis. On Monday religious authorities began implementing the ban passed earlier this year.
Polygamy has staged a comeback, though opinion is split on legalisation.
The Ontario government cancelled sharia tribunals last month, but the controversy has not gone away.
How faith-based arbitration shuts out women's rights in Canada and abroad.
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