[fund] promotion and application of religious laws

Dans le cadre de la politique nationale visant à étendre le champ d'application de la loi islamique (charia), ...
A bill critics say will seek Taleban-style moral policing is presented in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province.
A young girl falls into a hole and enters a world of confusion and absurdity.
WLUML is sharing this article because of the important links it reveals between events in Daghestan and faraway Canada where the extreme Right within the Muslim community has attempted to introduce separate laws for Muslims.
The alleged rape of Imrana, a mother of five, by her father-in-law has split the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, the apex decision-making body of the community, along sectarian lines.
Muslim panel too rules lifelong separation for rape victim.
The law in question is the 1991 Arbitration Act, which permitted faith-based binding arbitration as a substitute for Family Law courts.
Back from the north and middle belt of Nigeria, Margot Badran writes on current religious-political debates six years after the emergence of “shariah states.”
AIMPLB's recently-held eighteenth national conference included the controversial revival of talk of establishing a separate system of 'Islamic courts' in the country but this has not received the attention it deserves.
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