State control

A Kuwaiti female candidate said on Wednesday that she was "proud" of her strong showing in a municipal council by-election in which women took part for the first time ever despite failing to win the only seat at stake.
Polling has begun in a Kuwaiti council by-election in which women are being allowed to vote for the first time. Two women are also among eight candidates running for the seat in the Salmiya district, south of the capital.
This article addresses the issue of the violation of the rights of Arab Bedouin women living in the Naqab (Negev) to adequate housing and accommodation.
Syrian President Bashar Al Assad has appointed former culture minister Najah Al Attar as a Second Vice-President, the official news agency Sana reported. Najah is the first woman to hold such a high position in Syria.
WLUML has received this call for action from friends at Hotline Asia and urges you to respond. They state that in the past 10 months (May 2005 to February 2006), the places of worship and properties of religious minorities are increasingly being targeted by the extremist attacks and grabbing of properties in Pakistan.
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