State control

ECWR is deeply saddened and extremely concerned about this cancellation and what it implies about the supposed support of the government for women's empowerment and civil society.
WLUML is deeply concerned about reports of violent attacks and arrests of women's rights activists, women's groups and human rights defenders on 8 March 2006, International Women’s Day. Those gathered were attacked and assaulted by plain-clothes militia, special anti riot forces of the Revolutionary guards, soldiers and police.
Several Arab and Egyptian human rights organisations have condemned the use of violence by Iranian security forces to disperse a gathering in Tehran in commemoration of International Women's Day on March 8th.
Multiculturalism and religious freedom trumped safety concerns in a recent Canadian Supreme Court decision that will allow orthodox Sikh students to carry concealed traditional daggers to school.
The peaceful gathering of women's rights activists, women's groups and human rights defenders in Park Daneshjoo was attacked and women were assaulted by plain clothes militia, special anti riot forces of the Revolutionary guards, soldiers and police.
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