State control

Malalai Joya is a member of the Afghan parliament which comprises mostly warlords and fundamentalists who are directly or indirectly involved in the gross violations of human rights in Afghanistan. They currently dominate new parliament using their guns, power, money and intimidation.
Conference recommendations on women's status in political movements following the parliamentary election from the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights.
Malalai Joya is one of the most popular MPs in Afghanistan and has many a time taken stand against the ex-Mujahideen fighters who dominate the country's new assembly. But Ms Joya and many of her supporters fear she will be assassinated.
Women's rights activist Ghada Jamsheer was found not guilty of defaming a Sharia judge by the Lower Criminal Court on 28 December 2005. The court ruled that there was not enough evidence to prosecute Ms Jamsheer because the judge only had one witness who supported his claim against her.

This publication is the full Pakistan Country Report of the regional research study 'Women and Governance in South Asia: Re-Imagining the State.' The study aimed to understand the nature of, and impediments to, women's participation in political life and governance; to elicit women's vision(s) of what the state structure and political culture should be; and to identify their recommendations for refining and altering those processes for political participation that are currently inadequate to meet women's needs.

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