State control

On 8 May, three female activists were arrested by state security. These repeating events remind us of what happened on the dark day of the Referendum last year when state security used sexual harassment as a weapon against female journalists.
Women are denied positions of influence after recent cabinet and Supreme Court nominations.
This essay is adapted from the new book Identity and Violence, by Amartya Sen and published by Norton.
According to the Defense Committee of Malalai Joya, on 14 April 2006, the staff of Malalai Joya's office in Farah province uncovered a plot planned by Joya's opponents against her.
In Kyrgyzstan there is a growing risk from criminal organizations to impact stability in the country. Criminals are organizing meetings in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan.
Hanaa Edwar, Secretary General, Iraqi Al-Amal Association is giving the Rama Mehta Lecture on 1 May 2006 at The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University.
If Egyptian Women's Day came and went without anyone in Cairo marking the occasion, it wasn't for lack of effort on the part of women's organizations.
Le Foreign Office Anglais prend le risque d'aliener le gouvernement Egyptien en «dialoguant» avec les Frères Musulmans islamistes.
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