State control

Muhammad Nasir Al-Khuzayyam, deputy chief of the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques, said the proposal to move the women's prayer area in the Grand Mosque in Makkah has been dropped.
This website, from the Information Bahrain Center for Human Rights, details some of the latest information about violations of women citizens and foreign workers rights.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's outspoken president, fired an ominous warning at the country's educated elites yesterday by calling for a purge of "liberal and secular" academics in the universities.
There is a silent revolution taking place in the most disparate and unlikely places around the world. It is changing the structures, and the very texture of democracy and governance in those countries.
The arrival of women on Kuwait's political stage is matched in significance by the quiet rise of Islamists, says Raymond Barrett.
There is a very important matter I would like to discuss with you. I conduct my human rights activities through the Defender of Human Rights Center (DHRC). Two days ago the government of Iran announced that the center is illegal.
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