State control

In a new move to stifle dissent, the Iranian government has decided to outlaw a legal support group headed by Shirin Ebadi, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights lawyer.
Women's rights in Iraq have taken a back seat as far as officials and politicians are concerned.
Government has conceded responsibility for its Muslim citizens to unelected clerics.
Afghan women protest against the government decision to re-establish the Vice and Virtue Department.
Although no female candidate standing in Kuwait's elections on Thursday won a seat, one maintained it was only `a matter of time' before a woman was elected.
While municipal and parliamentary elections are likely to take place in October or November, more efforts are being made by the Supreme Council for Women (SCW) for political empowerment of women.
The law sweepingly denies Arab citizens of any possibility of gaining status in Israel for their spouses who are residents of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs).
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