State control

A feminist gathering in 7-Tir square of Tehran, in protest of the unequal rights and discriminatory laws against women in Iran, which was violently interrupted by the police, and dozens were arrested.
Police in Iran have beaten a small group of women activists trying to hold a protest for greater legal rights in the biggest square of the capital. Several people were arrested by the security forces who moved in as soon as activists started gathering.
On this first anniversary of Egypt's Black Referendum Day, we remember the abuses of freedom, the assault and sexual harassment of female journalists and activists who believe in the ideals of freedom, democracy and political reform in Egypt.
The campaign of solidarity with the three female activists - Asma'a Ali, Rasha Azab, Nada El-Kasas - declares its shock and disappointment regarding the decision on 20/05/06 by state security to renew their detainment for another 15 days.
Statement from the West African Women’s Right Coalition (WAWORC) recently formed in Banjul the Gambia to promote and advocate for the rights of women in West Africa using African Union mechanisms, in particular the African Commission and ECOWAS.
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) & The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights (ECWR) are deeply concerned and strongly object to the continued detainment of 3 female activists - Asma'a Ali, Nada El-Kasas and Rasha Azab.
Busloads of UAE national women gathered in Dubai at the weekend, asking the country's human rights organisation to help them regularise the status of their husbands and children who do not have citizenship papers.
Iran's supreme leader has vetoed a decision by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to allow women into sports stadiums, a government official said Monday, after the move caused a furor in the clerical establishment.
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