State control

This study is an attempt to understand gender and social and power relations that govern women's land and property rights, their access and control over land and other related resources.
The Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Umar Musa Yar’adua is now confronted with his past and the role he played in the sentencing of Amina Lawal Kurami to death by stoning by a Sharia Court in 2002.
A recent report by the Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW), Engaging Muslim Women: Issues and Needs, reveals Canadian Muslim women’s affinity and affection for Canada but a lack of engagement in the political, social and economic life of the country.
A case study of South Africa by WLUML networker Rashida Manjoo in which she outlines the implications of a lack of debate on identity politics in South Africa, and the apparent conflation of culture and religion with other identity issues.
Private health facilities have been banned from conducting prenuptial tests required to finalise marriage procedures, according to a senior official.
Muslim women in Britain feel their views are being ignored because community leaders and male-dominated national Muslim organisations are failing to represent them, according to a recent government report.
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