State control

The Kuwaiti parliament on Monday passed a law banning women from working at night, except those in the medical profession, and barring them from jobs considered ‘immoral.’
Percentage de sièges parlementaires occupés par des femmes (2005).
La députée afghane Malalai Joya a été suspendue, lundi, pour avoir jugé l’Assemblée «pire qu’une étable».
"Haleh’s and mine are two perspectives but not the only ones. Social, economic and political growth (and development) in a country depends on the presentation and consideration of multiple views."
Incommunicado detention of and judicial proceedings against several Iranian-American citizens including Dr. Haleh Esfiandiari, director of the Middle East programme at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC. Dr. Esfiandiari was arrested in Tehran on 8th May 2007 after being summoned for questioning by Ministry of Intelligence officials and was taken to section 209 of Evin prison, where she was allowed one call to inform her relatives that she had been jailed. Dr. Esfandiari is also a well-known advocate of dialogue between the US and Iranian governments.
Censure of Malalai Joya sets back human rights and the democratic process.
"Internationally, the role of women in organising and fomenting the demonstrations that have rocked Turkey in recent weeks has gone almost unnoticed. But in Turkey, commentators describe it as nothing short of a 'women's revolution'."
Face veils and jilbabs may now be prohibited as a violation of school uniform policies.
"À partir d’enquêtes sur le terrain menées plus particulièrement dans deux camps palestiniens de Jordanie...S. L. Abdallah montre comment l’histoire de l’exil et la place des réfugiés dans la société jordanienne ont construit une 'idéologie familiale'..."
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