State control

Up to 10,000 Burmese Buddhist monks and civilians, including many women and students, have defied police tear gas and live bullets on the ninth day of protests against the military rulers.
Les militaires envisagent de "prendre des mesures" après que plus de 100.000 personnes aient défilé lundi à Rangoun. Le dalaï lama a apporté son "plein soutien" aux manifestants.
Iran has released an Iranian-American democracy scholar who spent four months in prison — the third time in recent weeks Tehran has set free dual citizens it accuses of trying to stir up a revolution.
Officiellement depuis hier, c’est le Koweït qui a changé de week-end, optant pour le vendredi-samedi.
Chechnya's president Ramzan Kadyrov orders female civil servants to wear headscarves.
An educational workshop on women’s rights in Khoram Abad was disrupted after police violently attacked participants and took them into custody.
A group of Saudi women plan to give a petition to the government asking to be allowed to drive cars. The organizers say the petition would be sent to the government on Sept. 23, the Saudi National Day.
A statement from the Association for Human Rights Legal Aid (APHRA) on increasing pressures on civil society organizations.
La question du port du voile à l’école traverse la Belgique, comme elle a traversé la France jusqu’à l’adoption de la loi du 2004 interdisant «le port de signes ou tenues par lesquels les élèves manifestent ostensiblement une appartenance religieuse».
Security officers at the gates of Riyadh's Diplomatic Quarter (DQ) are turning back Saudi females who are not accompanied by their male guardians.
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