State control

The president of the Women's Petition (WP), the Bahraini activist Ms Ghada Jamsheer revealed the existence of a formal decision preventing her from appearing in any of the Bahraini media.
Victimes d’une erreur de l’administration.
Among the Burmese pro-democracy activists in hiding are many courageous and committed women who have played leading roles in the recent demonstrations against sharp price increases in fuel, which began on 19 August 2007.
Two bills regarding the Islamic veil pending in the Italian parliament are a symbol of the country's increasing focus on the assimilation of immigrants. Stories of fundamentalism are spurring public debate over the condition of Muslim women.
Marfua Tokhtakhodzhaeva's new publication examines the socio-political and religious shifts in Uzbekistan in the last twenty years.
Myanmar's military regime has faced weeks of peaceful protests sparked by a staggering increase in fuel prices in August. Buddhist monks and nuns, along with students and human rights activists, have emerged as leaders of the protest movement, which has now escalated into the biggest challenge to the junta in nearly two decades. The protestors are being subjected to daily violence, arrests and repression and the fatalities are rising.
A statement from the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) on the current situation in Burma.
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