State control

As the country celebrates the centenary of the separation of Church and State, Islam is seen as the biggest challenge to the country's secular model in the past 100 years.
Report of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on freedom of religion or belief, Asma Jahangir.
Asma Jahangir, rapporteur spécial sur la liberté religieuse de la commission des droits de l'homme, devait rendre publique, 29 septembre, une déclaration sur la situation de la liberté religieuse en France.
Object to the policy of filtering, censorship and blocking of information on the Internet in Iran, particularly information related to women's issues and gender.
In June 2005 WLUML circulated an alert for action to support women’s rights campaigner Ms. Ghada Jamsheer who faced three trials for publicly criticizing family court judges and, if convicted, faced up to 15 years in prison.
Emphasizing 14 areas of concern regarding Israeli violations of rights of Palestinian women.
Many female candidates have reportedly received threats. So far five candidates have been killed and one is missing, the election commission says.
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