Law reform

Séminaire sur la législation algérienne et les femmes au travail
The Bahrain Women's Union, a loose association of 12 women's organisations, has pledged to reinvigorate a dormant plan to promulgate a family status law in the kingdom.
A letter from WLUML contacts welcomes the inclusion of Yemen as the fourth member country of the Arab League to the ICC.
The information ministry has said that anybody involved in female genital mutilation (FGM) would be punished with a fine and imprisonment.
"Avec ce vote historique, le Yémen peut officiellement déposer son instrument de ratification et devenir ainsi le 105ème Etat partie à la CPI et le quatrième Etat membre de la Ligue arabe à rejoindre la Cour."
The debate over polygamy was reopened in Kyrgyzstan with supporters including the nation's Justice Minister. Nonetheless, the decriminalization of polygamy has been rejected.
Government should now ensure women’s participation at all levels of the judiciary.
Un amendement sera ajouté au code pénal.
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