Law reform

The Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice is an international women’s human rights organization advocating for gender-inclusive justice and working towards an effective and independent International Criminal Court (ICC).
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) welcomed a Supreme Court decision to hear the cases of Christian converts to Islam who are unable to officially revert to their original religion.
Egypt has announced that it is imposing a complete ban on female circumcision, also known as genital mutilation.
As Iraq struggles to define its future, there is one important group that has been largely left out of the process: women.
Uganda's Supreme Court recently nullified a law that made adultery criminal for women, but not men. The constitutional case also strengthened women's rights on divorce and inheritance.
"Registering customary marriages provides women with the legal right to own property and other rights in marriage, making this a great step forward for rural women in particular."
The committee agreed to amend the federal law on judicial authority in order to remove gender specification, which specified ‘males only’ for such positions.
Polygamous marriage is flourishing as the Government admits for the first time that nearly a thousand men are living legally with multiple wives in Britain.
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