Law reform

Parliament passed a gender-equality bill Thursday aimed at getting more Spanish women into elected office and corporate boardrooms - and more men heating baby bottles and changing diapers.
Schools will be able to ban pupils from wearing full-face veils (niqab) on security, safety or learning grounds under new uniforms guidance issued by ministers.
Thirty-one women chosen among members of the administrative bar and government lawyers.
After years of lobbying by networkers and activists, a standardized 'nikahnama' (marriage contract) has been approved, with the potential of curbing forced and child marriages.

Discussions covered interpretation and jurisprudence, foundational myths, the process of Muslim jurisprudence relating to women in the family and women in society, and action and strategies. According to participants, the need for women to review the process of interpretation and claim their right to interpret arises out of the realities of women’s lives and the myth that there is one way of being in the Muslim world.

Cette publication est une transcription des travaux de la Réunion sur les Interprétations du Coran par les Femmes en 1990. Elle présente les analyses et le travail élaboré par des groupes de militantes actives, des érudites en droit musulman, des juristes et des historiennes de la jurisprudence. Leur effort de critique fondamentale entame le processus d'une nouvelle approche de l'interprétation coranique, réaffirmant le droit des femmes à lire et interpréter le Coran pour elles-mêmes.

"Say 'No' To Forced Divorce - 'Yes' to Reforms" online petition campaign launched by women activists against forced divorce
Despite arrests of activists and repeatedly blocked websites, the Campaign Demanding an End to Discriminatory Laws against Women continues to gather national and international support, through the collection of one million signatures over two years. The petition will then be submitted to the Parliament of Iran along with proposed changes to laws which discriminate against women and men, specifically in the area of family law.
Human traffickers in Bahrain will be punished with the anticipated passage of a law making trafficking a criminal act.
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