Law reform

Shaykh Abdallah Adhami, an Arab-American imam, considers whether from the point of view of Islamic law human judgement over "the private realm of apostasy" is possible.
Download an unofficial English translation of the Iraq Personal Status Law of 1959.
"Muslim Minorities and the Law in Europe - Chances and Challenges", by Mathias Rohe (2007).
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions' new publication: "In Search of Equality: A survey of Law and Practice related to Women's Inheritance Rights in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region" available for download.
"Supporters say Article 41 will keep the state out of civil affairs. Critics say it will usher in Sharia."
Nicaragua’s ban on abortion, which criminalizes life-saving medical treatment, has had a devastating impact on women’s health and lives, Human Rights Watch said in the first-ever report on the human rights consequences of the ban, enacted in Nov. 2006.
Défendre le droit de se convertir à toute religion
Earlier this year, a proposed law that would ban same-sex marriages in Nigeria was defeated. AWID spoke to Stefano Fabeni of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Initiative of Global Rights about the failed bill and the lessons learnt.
Un village mormon de Colombie-Britannique la pratique ouvertement et des études suggèrent de légaliser ce type d'union.
"Refining Muslim laws should not stop at organ transplant but include women's roles in the family."
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