Law reform

The Egyptian authorities have banned a 92-year-old man from marrying a 17-year-old girl, the Egyptian al-Akhbar newspaper has reported.
The Penang Syariah High Court has allowed a Muslim convert to return to her original faith of Buddhism, setting a precedent that could ease religious minorities' worries about their legal rights.
A 23 year old woman, forced to marry at ten in Saudi Arabia, was ordered to pay the equivalent of 16,750 euros to obtain a divorce from her husband, according to Saudi daily al-Watan.
"La peine de mort: Elle fait partie de l’arsenal judiciaire dans certains pays musulmans. Or, dans le Coran, Dieu dit que celui qui tue un homme, c’est comme s’il tuait tous les hommes (Coran 5.32)."
On 9 April, 2008 Congress finally approved the law on violence against women, meant to stop the killing and abuse of women and better prosecute the perpetrators.
"Muslim Aiylee Qawaneen: Dushwarian aur Mumkinah Hal" by Sohail Akbar Warraich. (In Urdu)
The oil-rich United Arab Emirates on Wednesday got its first woman judge, a job hitherto reserved for men in the conservative Gulf country.
On March 17, 2008, reported that the Saudi Shura Council has recommended allowing women to drive.
La Suisse est aussi confrontée au phénomène des mariages forcés et -ou- arrangés, une coutume répandue parmi les communautés d'immigrés de type patriarcal.
L’Association Démocratique des Femmes au Maroc dénonce cette pratique et l’indulgence des juges.
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