Law reform

Mesures de lutte contre la discrimination et de promotion de l'égalité.
Saudi authorities, breaking with religious codes that require women to be accompanied by a male guardian, have decided to allow women to stay in hotels on their own, a newspaper reported yesterday.
Depuis plusieurs années le débat est ouvert par rapport à la révision du code des personnes et de la famille. Un projet de texte ayant été élaboré sous l’ancien président Alpha Oumar Konaré.
As more and more suicides among women are attributed to violence in the home, pressure is building for a law to end the climate of impunity.

This third and completely revised version of the "Knowing Our Rights" handbook is an essential resource for those taking a critical and questioning approach to rights, laws, and constructions of womanhood in Muslim countries and communities and beyond. "Knowing Our Rights" forms part of the international synthesis of the Women & Law in the Muslim world Programme and is based on some 10 years of field experience, research and analysis by multi-disciplinary teams of networkers in over 20 countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

"We say: No culture, religion or tradition can ever excuse violence in close relations, like forced marriages (and other abuses and malpractises)." Action Plan now available in English!
L'entrée en vigueur de la Moudawana en 2004 a amplement contribué au recul de la polygamie au Maroc, a affirmé Mohamed Gachbour, professeur à l'université Hassan II à Casablanca.
International Conference organized by The Esprit de Fès Foundation & The Protection Project at The John Hopkins University on "Family Laws in the Muslim World: Comparative Perspectives" (11-13 Dec 2007) & Workshop on “The Application of the New Mudawana"
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