Law reform

Asghar Ali Engineer writes about the importance of issues surrounding women in Muslim contexts, particularly in contemporary societies.
A 29-year-old divorcee in Bahrain has been receiving death threats and anonymous phone calls after being interviewed about her case on Al Hurra television on November 25th 2006. During the interview, mother-of-three Suad Mohammed Fathalla spoke alongside Women's Petition Committee head Ghada Jamsheer and Bahrain Center for Human Rights president Abdulhadi Al Khawaja.
Opponents of polygamy in Muslim-majority Malaysia are carrying out a rare survey to prove their claims that the practice throws families into emotional and economic turmoil.
India's personal laws are based on religious affiliation, granting special rights to the country's Muslims. Nadja-Christina Schneider discusses religious minority rights and secular modernisation on the subcontinent.
Perhaps there is no issue in Saudi Arabia more sensitive, more controversial and more shrouded in secrecy and contradictions than the issue of women.
This report focuses polygamy in Tajikistan. The research was carried out by the women’s NGO “Traditions and Modernity” within the project “Providing Support to Women and Reduction of Violence Against Women in Tajikistan” supported by SDC.
Le débat reste toujours ouvert, alors que le projet de réforme bute sur le mode d'application.
Equality Now has issued a campaign update and calls on the new court to take a leadership role in promoting and protecting the rights of women in accordance with the Constitution and international human rights standards to which Afghanistan is a party.
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