Law reform

The 'Anti-Women Practices Bill' seeks to make illegal forced marriages and depriving women of their inheritance rights.
An amendment to the Nationality Code will allow mothers married to foreigners to pass on Moroccan citizenship to their children.
A Kuwaiti parliamentary panel yesterday approved landmark draft legislation that grants a host of benefits to women, the head of the committee said.

Many thousands in the Muslim community in Britain as well as non-British spouses of British Muslims may be in marriages or undergo divorces whose legal validity is doubtful in the eyes of the English courts and authorities such as immigration and pensions. This leaves them in a ‘married/un-married’ limbo, often referred to in legal terms as ‘limping marriages’. This publication includes articles on: British Law; Laws in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan; and European and International Law.

There are many exciting updates since Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) joined with partners in Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, and Algeria in support of the regional campaign for Arab women's right to nationality.
The government has informed the Supreme Court that Muslims have a right to establish Shariat panchayats to settle disputes between two people and fatwas issued by these courts are not in conflict with or parallel to the Indian judicial system.
This research aims to deepen our understanding on the dynamics of polygamous families, their different experiences, needs and concerns. Through the results, we hope to have a clearer knowledge on how polygamy affects and impacts upon family life.
Shirkat Gah, WLUML Asia regional coordination office is involved in this research which involves China, Indonesia, Iran and Pakistan. In addition, exploratory research will be initiated in other countries, including Turkey.
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