
India's personal laws are based on religious affiliation, granting special rights to the country's Muslims. Nadja-Christina Schneider discusses religious minority rights and secular modernisation on the subcontinent.
In Afghanistan's pervasive culture of violence, women and girls are powerless to resist being traded to settle family disputes and debts; rape and abduction; and forced marriages. Violence is widely tolerated by the community.
Perhaps there is no issue in Saudi Arabia more sensitive, more controversial and more shrouded in secrecy and contradictions than the issue of women.
A woman who reported a vicious attack by an ad-hoc "modesty patrol" on a Jerusalem bus last month is now lining up support for her case and may be included in a petition to the High Court of Justice over the legality of sex-segregated buses.
This report focuses polygamy in Tajikistan. The research was carried out by the women’s NGO “Traditions and Modernity” within the project “Providing Support to Women and Reduction of Violence Against Women in Tajikistan” supported by SDC.
Farish Noor of the German Center for Modern Oriental Studies, has initiated what he calls a new model for dialogue, taking more time and incorporating partners that were previously left to watch from the sidelines.
The Salma Sobhan Memorial Lecture was delivered at the National Museum's auditorium as part of the 20th founding anniversary celebration of Ain O Salish Kendra, a legal rights organisation. Salma Sobhan was one of the nine founders of the Kendra.
"Agency, Inequality and Human Rights" by Amartya Sen.
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has been shocked to receive a copy of a horrifying Fatwa’ (edict) issued by a cleric in the Darra Adam Khel area of the NWFP and has written to the interior minister asking him to do his duties.