
A recent report by the Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW), Engaging Muslim Women: Issues and Needs, reveals Canadian Muslim women’s affinity and affection for Canada but a lack of engagement in the political, social and economic life of the country.
Women face increased risk of abduction by militias and criminal gangs as lawlessness takes over the country. Nobody is safe.
In early December, about 150 communities in Guinea collectively abandoned the practice of female genital cutting - a landmark declaration in a country where more than 97 percent of women undergo the ritual.
The World Social Forum will be here in January next year. Kenya has no idea what is about to hit it - thousands upon thousands of activists from different social movements all around the world.
Jewish objections to Iran's shameful conference have been given prominence in the media. Unfortunately, Muslim voices of outrage have not. This serves to reinforce negative stereotypes of Muslims as Jew-haters and fanatics which is not the case.
Currently, in Iran, there are nine women sentenced to death by stoning on charges of adultery, compared to two men for the same offence -- highlighting the fact that this barbaric mode of execution is primarily a women's issue.
A case study of South Africa by WLUML networker Rashida Manjoo in which she outlines the implications of a lack of debate on identity politics in South Africa, and the apparent conflation of culture and religion with other identity issues.
SOS Women in Trouble offers victims both shelter and training and one of their greatest successes was getting the police to work with them. However, there are continuing challenges ahead, one of which is legal and involves amendments to the Family Code.
The primer is designed to provide information comparing Muslim and Canadian family laws to a range of audiences, including Muslim women, lawyers, social service providers, students, and the judiciary.
Private health facilities have been banned from conducting prenuptial tests required to finalise marriage procedures, according to a senior official.