
Recently, there has been controversy around the veil worn by some Muslim women to conceal their faces. Many have viewed this as a conflict between Muslims on one side and the "Islamophobic" west on the other. Not so.
Muslim women in Britain feel their views are being ignored because community leaders and male-dominated national Muslim organisations are failing to represent them, according to a recent government report.
Sisters in Islam was one of three NGOs mentioned at the Umno assembly as being party to undermining Islamic values through its talks and publications.
We are pleased to announce that the third Feminist Dialogues, "Transforming Democracy: Feminist Visions and Strategies" will be held from 17-19 January 2007, in Nairobi, Kenya just prior to the next World Social Forum.
Tunisian lawyer and feminist Saida Garrache has been General Secretary of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women since mid-2006. In this interview she talks about the difficulties of working in a state that tries to stifle civil society activities.
A group calling itself the Just Swords of Islam issued a warning to Palestinian women in the Gaza Strip over the weekend that they must wear the hijab or face being targeted by the group's members.
Women no longer need to produce four witnesses when filing rape charges or fear they might be convicted of adultery, yet the Bill is accompanied by an anti-lewdness clause and the Hudood Ordinance will operate alongside the civil procedure.
Some WLUML networkers participated in and attended the recently held WISE conference and have shared some of their impressions about the event.