
Ani Zonneveld writes about the first WISE conference which dealt with the creation of a Shura Council to contribute to an interpretation of the Quran in a modern context. Of course not everyone agreed with a need for such a Council.
ECWR were so shocked and outraged by the reported attacks on women during Eid Al-Fitr that they dedicated their latest newsletter to the issue of sexual harassment, a growing problem in Egypt.
"Mummy, why did you go to Beit Hanoun? Don’t you know that half of the people were killed there?" I replied, "No, half of the people didn't die there." "Do you mean that all the people die there? Don’t you know that you could’ve been killed?"
Human rights organisations and individuals have been threatened with violence, including rape, for speaking out on the current impasse. Imrana Jalal of The Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, and WLUML networker, received threatening phone calls last week.
So this is the story of the week, an elderly woman blew herself up in Gaza on November 23. It is extremely sad that the only way a woman’s life story can be told, is through her taking not only her own life, but the lives of others.
This event was organized to commemorate the 10th anniversary of BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights with the theme ‘The Challenges of Religious Fundamentalisms and Globalisation to Women’s Human Rights.’ It was held from 24-25 November 2006 in Lagos.
For the first time in Egypt's history, various governorates have named women as "Murshidat", religious guides and preachers.
On December 10 – Human Rights Day – people around the world will be join together to denounce the use of rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war in Darfur and to show solidarity with the women and girls of Darfur.
Shirkat Gah, WLUML Asia regional coordination office have launched their new website which contains information about their programmes, research, ongoing activities, publications, action alerts, documentation centre and network linkages.
The decision to update the country's polygamy code comes just days after popular Indonesian cleric, Abdullah Gymnastiar, caused uproar by announcing he had secretly married a second wife.