
Equality Now has issued a campaign update and calls on the new court to take a leadership role in promoting and protecting the rights of women in accordance with the Constitution and international human rights standards to which Afghanistan is a party.
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women have published some "Frequently Asked Questions" around the issue of the Arbitration and Family Law Acts in Canada.
Female imams guide others in worship and are the primary spiritual leaders for the women in their communities.
This book review journal features books of interest to feminist and women's studies not published in English and regularly reviews books on FGM.
When gay people openly assert their identities as such, whether through parades or through the demand for full and equal social recognition, reactionaries cannot stand it. Why? Two answers, one personal and one political.
President Jakaya Kikwete has appointed twenty new Judges of the High Court.
In this new book, Margot Badran poses the questions, "Islamic feminism. What is it? Where did it arise? From within or from without? Is it "legitimate"? What are its aims?"
State religious authorities must stop spying, snooping and the practice of looking for couples to be charged with khalwat (close proximity). Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin said such practices were against Islamic principles of privacy and were trespass.
Zainah Anwar of Sisters in Islam writes, "The struggle of all feminists in all religions and cultures is similar. [...] They have all been accused of being against their religion [...] It is not religion but patriarchy that is oppressive of women."
KAFA seeks to mitigate the causes and results of violence and exploitation of women and children through advocacy and lobbying, raising awareness, and by offering social and legal services to vulnerable cases.