
Despite the boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day by England's main Muslim organisation, some Islamic groups decided to commemorate the day.
In her report, Professor Yakin Ertürk, noted that recent surveys reveal that violence against women is a major concern in Algeria in both the home and the public space. However, this serious human rights concern remains largely invisible.
A 2006 government survey found that 96 percent of Egyptian women who've been married have undergone some sort of genital mutilation and that nearly 70 percent of schoolgirls expected to be cut by the time they turn 18.
The government has informed the Supreme Court that Muslims have a right to establish Shariat panchayats to settle disputes between two people and fatwas issued by these courts are not in conflict with or parallel to the Indian judicial system.
A committee of rabbis formulating the education policy in the ultra-Orthodox community has prohibited women's continuing education programs and severely restricted other study courses, blocking the advancement and development of haredi women's careers.
An appeals court has upheld the decision of a judge in the northern city of Al-Jouf in October to divorce a couple in absentia at the request of the wife’s half brothers.
This edition of Forced Migration Review (FMR) explores the challenges and opportunities for combating sexual violence in conflict, post-conflict and development recovery contexts.
She Who Disputes contains the direct words of over 200 women who set the agenda and spoke about a variety of issues, including the lack of voice and representation for Muslim women both within society as a whole and within their own communities.
This is the second Gender Report Card and its purpose is to assess the implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Rules of Procedure and Evidence and Elements of Crimes and in particular the gender mandates they embody.
This research aims to deepen our understanding on the dynamics of polygamous families, their different experiences, needs and concerns. Through the results, we hope to have a clearer knowledge on how polygamy affects and impacts upon family life.