
Shirin Ebadi talks about the fact that the Iranian government accuses social groups of damaging the international prestige of Islamic systems if they argue about issues such as death by stoning.
This study is an attempt to understand gender and social and power relations that govern women's land and property rights, their access and control over land and other related resources.
The Safra Project has begun an online collection of personal stories of lesbian, bisexual and trans women to break the isolation of women around the world who are accessing their website.
These elections, the most important since the toppling of Milosevic seven years ago, have proved that time can stand still. One third of the population still votes for the fascist Radical Party, whose leader Seselj is in jail in The Hague.
Shirkat Gah, WLUML Asia regional coordination office is involved in this research which involves China, Indonesia, Iran and Pakistan. In addition, exploratory research will be initiated in other countries, including Turkey.
The way Bangladesh's secular parties and leaders conduct politics is fuelling Islamist extremism and destabilising democracy, reports Delwar Hussain.
Scores of women and children have been separated from their families or wounded in fighting between Somali government forces and remnants of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), sources said.
Women were never simply guests at the negotiating table. The roles they play as combatants, supporters of fighting forces and peacemakers qualify them to sit at the negotiating table and to assume an active role in implementation.
At the World Social Forum in Nairobi, Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) will present an interactive panel and dialogue with women’s rights activists from Africa and the Middle East who will discuss strategies to strengthen social movements.
This meeting will be pushing for a transformative look at democracy that questions the role of women in political systems including the political parties/coalitions dominating the Kenyan scene; and democracy at the personal and interpersonal level.