
Message from Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director, UNFPA
An amendment to the Nationality Code will allow mothers married to foreigners to pass on Moroccan citizenship to their children.
A Kuwaiti parliamentary panel yesterday approved landmark draft legislation that grants a host of benefits to women, the head of the committee said.
Afghanistan's parliament has granted immunity to all Afghans involved in the country's 25 years of conflict, despite calls by human rights groups for war crimes trials.
Cairo: Egypt’s top cleric declared yesterday that Islam does not bar women from becoming heads of state, denying press reports that had earlier attributed to him the opposite position.
The launching of the Charter of Feminists Principles for African Feminists at the 3rd International Feminist Dialogue marks a major contribution by the African Feminist Forum (AFF) and the larger feminist movement to the on-going world social forum.
Six men have been arrested on a charge of raping a teenaged girl and forcing her to parade naked through her village near Ubaro because one of her relatives had eloped with a young woman from the men’s family.
There are many exciting updates since Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) joined with partners in Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, and Algeria in support of the regional campaign for Arab women's right to nationality.