
A WLUML networker responds to recent news that the provincial assembly of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) passed the Hasba Bill to suppress vice, with a unit led by a cleric and a police force to implement its orders.
A presentation by Aisha Lee Shaheed, an independent writer-researcher and WLUML networker upon the Canadian launch of the "Dress Codes and Modes: Women's dress in some Muslim countries and communities" exhibition in August 2006.
In a letter to the Nicaraguan National Assembly, Silvia Pimentel, vice chairman of CEDAW, criticized the influence of “the hierarchies of the Catholic Church and some Evangelical Churches” in the draft reforms of Nicaragua’s penal code.
Human Rights Watch reports that a significant number of women and girls are victims of violence perpetrated by family members & intimate partners. While there is increasing recognition of the problem, little action has been taken to address these abuses.
The National Assembly passed the Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Bill to reform Pakistan’s rape laws which includes several amendments to sections 7, 8, 9 and 12 of the draft, as proposed by a committee of religious scholars.
Pakistan's national assembly has voted to amend the country's strict Sharia laws on rape and adultery.
Because of escalating sectarian violence, marriages between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims in Iraq are under threat.
Women in war and conflict zones more and more are sharing their thoughts on looking at the world in a gender sensitive lens and raising their voice to the atrocities of war and its impact on women and girls.
A casenote on a recent House of Lords case on gender as a 'particular social group' under the 1951 Refugee Convention - including a striking dictum from Baroness Hale, the first female Law Lord.
Women's Worlds is a major international event to be held 3-9 July 2008, with the main goal of continuing the fight against social injustice and gender inequalities for feminist researchers, specialists, activists and internationally known public figures.