
This edition includes articles on the war on Lebanon, feminist therapy, sexual harassment at the workplace; an interview with a woman refugee from Sah’mata, a poem on a victim of honour crime and the Assiwar six-monthly report (January - June 2006).
Police dispersed the protesters who were calling for a ban on polygamy, equal child custody rights, and within marriage, freedom for women to work where they please and to travel freely.
WLUML networkers participated in the recent congress in Barcelona on 3-5 November 2006 which focussed on major issues with relation to the implementation of Shari'a and family laws in countries with a Muslim population.
An Interview with Sunila Abeysekera, Executive Director, INFORM, Sri Lanka.
Details of a recent strategic meeting of the Iraqi women's movement, involving most of the active alliances of women's networks in Iraq.
An open letter by Women in Black Belgrade to the Serbian Parliament related to the 2005 draft resolution ‘Women, Peace, and Security,’ on the participation of women in peace-building and deciding issues of peace from a feminist standpoint.
Laws give women equal rights, but state institutions work to prevent them getting a divorce.
A man has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for the genital mutilation of his two-year-old daughter, in what is said to be first such case in the US.