
From a hard knot of contradictions a further thread has unravelled, and the most preposterous rationalization of all, particularly coming out of the mouths of men - that the niqab is a feminist declaration.
The hijab survived the controversy it once generated because it is a milder form of modesty. Allow me to mention that our mothers and sisters didn't feel the need to wrap their heads or cover their faces and still maintained their modesty in public.
The women’s movement in Morocco – which now bridges secular and religious communities – is setting an example of the power of social thought in a traditional society.
Women are given in marriage to hostile families as compensation for a relative's crime in a practise called "swara" in Pashtun, parts of Afghanistan and the NWFP, and "vanni" in the Punjab. Although officially outlawed in Pakistan, the custom prevails.
“When the laws in most countries in the MENA and Gulf regions say that a citizen is someone born of a father of that country only, this clearly says that the state considers that only men are real citizens," said Lina Abou-Habib, Director of CRTD-A.
It was reported late in September 2006 that for the first time in Iranian history an unprecedented law had been passed in the parliament to "offer" Iranian citizenship to children born to Iranian mothers and non-Iranian fathers.
The conference was held in Kurdistan-Erbil on 21-22 September 2006, under the slogan "let's build a safe home" and dealt with women's role in achieving national reconciliation.
Whoever today does not add an S to 'veil' and, even worse, refers to ‘The Islamic Veil' (singular), wittingly or unwittingly, promotes the fundamentalist agenda. In these troubled times of history, I have become finicky about concepts and epistemology, writes sociologist and founder of WLUML, Marieme Hélie-Lucas
All are welcome for a seminar on 26 October 2006 at Goldsmiths College, London on religious absolutism/antinomian lives.