
The repercussions following the statements made by Pope Benedict XVI are being felt till today, though by now the modalities of global Muslim protest have become evident and well-known to close observers of political Islam.
Examples of statements in UN documents that culture, tradition or religion may not be used to justify violations of women’s human rights, or states have an obligation to counter violations against women based on culture, tradition or religion.
King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa has granted Bahraini citizenship to 300 children of Bahraini mothers married to foreigners.
The Safe Abortion Action Fund provides grants to non-governmental organizations that will enable them to implement specific, in-country initiatives to increase their work in any area along the abortion continuum.
This specialisation explores links between violent conflict and development. It does this in the context of poverty, insecurities, structural inequality and militarism and examines different theoretical trajectories of war, violence and peace.
Twenty-five years ago, Fehmida and Allahbakhsh were awarded 80 lashes and death by stoning respectively by a Karachi court under the Hudood ordinances. In response to these sentences, the Women's Action Forum was born to fight the oppression of women.
Iran's parliament passed a law on Sunday allowing children with an Iranian mother and a foreign father to acquire Iranian nationality, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Safia Amajan promoted women's education and work - a fairly ordinary job in most places - but in the Afghanistan of a resurgent Taliban it was a dangerous path to follow.
Women and girls are especially vulnerable to sexual violence in times of heightened armed conflict. They are being raped, abducted for sexual exploitation and forced into marriages and prostitution.
In this disputed region of Indian-administered Kashmir, the Daughters of Islamic Community, or Dukhtaran-e-Millat, play the part of an all-female Taliban.