
On 8th September 2006, The High Court of Tanzania rejected a petition by human rights activists to declare the customary inheritance law unconstitutional.
Muhammad Nasir Al-Khuzayyam, deputy chief of the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques, said the proposal to move the women's prayer area in the Grand Mosque in Makkah has been dropped.
Today, 13th September 2006, the government of Pakistan is scheduled to present the revised draft of the Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Bill, 2006 before the Parliament.
The first of two articles by Jeanne Favret-Saada, which deals with the relationship Denmark has set up with its immigrants - or rather with those of them who have been identified as "Muslims".
In a setback for women's rights in Pakistan, the ruling party in Islamabad has caved in to religious conservatives by dropping its plans to reform rape laws.
This website, from the Information Bahrain Center for Human Rights, details some of the latest information about violations of women citizens and foreign workers rights.
There has been no shortage of punditry when it comes to the current crisis in the Middle East, however most of the published and broadcast voices have been male. It is critically important to also listen to what women are saying.
Asghar Ali Engineer's aim is to make progressive thinking accessible to lay people and to bring it beyond the borders of a select group of intellectuals. A portrait of the Indian Muslim thinker by Fatma Sagir.
Mukhtar Mai was gang-raped on the orders of local elders in a neighbouring village. She was determined to bring them to justice and now writes an internet diary in Urdu, about her life and concerns as a woman from a remote village in southern Punjab.