
La plus grande minorité religieuse d'Iran est stigmatisée d'hérétique par les autorités islamiques.
Two Iranian women labor activists, convicted for participating in May Day celebrations, have been punished by flogging, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported today.
Azadi Stadium, the largest football stadium in Iran, was host to a group of four Iranian women audience members who were there to watch the South Korea vs. Iran football match this week.
From the universities to the theatres, Iranians have a tradition of civil activism that predates the revolution.
Dozens of women’s and human rights groups condemn the recent arrest and imprisonment of Iranian women’s rights activist Alieh Eghdamdoust. She will serve a sentence of three years imprisonment for participating in a lawful and peaceful demonstration in June 2006/1385 in Haft-e Tir Square in Tehran.
Repression like this breeds resistance in Iran and is gaining recognition around the world.
Women’s Rights Groups Issue Announcement Concerning the Sentencing of Alieh Eghdomdust:
Nafiseh Azad, Bigard Ebrahimi and a third person who wishes to remain anonymous at this point, were arrested 30 January.
Une militante iranienne des droits de la femme a commencé de purger une peine de trois ans de prison pour avoir pris part à une manifestation en 2006 à Téhéran, annonce lundi une de ses camarades de lutte.
Specter of Torture and Ill-Treatment Rises High for Baha’is in Prison.
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