
The Iranian-American journalist who was sentenced to eight years of jail on charges of spying for Washington was released Monday after an appeal court reduced the sentence, her lawyer said.
Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, who was jailed for eight years for spying earlier this month, has pledged to stay on hunger strike until she is released.
Le père de la journaliste irano-américaine Roxana Saberi, condamnée en Iran à huit années de prison pour espionnage, s'est dit inquiet pour la vie de sa fille.
Maryam Malek a member of the One Million Signatures Campaign, was transferred to Evin Prison on April 26, 2009.
Given the strict censorship the Islamic Republic government places on state television, print, and radio, Iranians are using nuanced techniques for spreading information.
Prominent women’s rights activist Khadijeh Moghadam, who has been in detention since 26 March 2009, was released from Tehran’s Evin Prison on bail on 8 April, at 8:15 pm, local time.
Ten of the twelve women’s rights activists detained last week as they were planning private New Year visits have been released on bail. Two of them however, Khadijeh Moghadam and Mahboubeh Karami, remain in Evin prison.
Ten of those arrested are members of the One Million Signatures Campaign. The activists were arrested on 26 March 2009, on Sohrevardi Avenue in Tehran, while meeting up to go for New Years visits of families of imprisoned social and political activists.
The recommendation of Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, head of Iran’s judiciary, to grant amnesty to a woman sentenced to stoning was rejected by the Judicial Commission for Amnesty and Clemency.
The seven defendants, five men and two women, stand accused of “espionage for Israel, insulting religious sanctities and propaganda against the Islamic republic”.
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