
They helped bring down the shah – and 30 years on they refuse to be cowed by Iran's Islamic regime.
Zhila Bani-Yaghoub and her spouse, Bahman Amouiee, are among the undersigned but have since been arrested and are currently among the detainees.
The presence of Zahrad Rahnavard, the wife of Mir Hussein Moussavi, was a significant factor in the election, writes Janet Afary, author of “Sexual Politics in Modern Iran.”
The Iranian government should immediately end its violent repression of largely peaceful nationwide protests following last Friday’s presidential elections, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and Human Rights Watch said today.
The Iranian government is continuing to expand its repression of women’s rights activists ahead of the 12 June presidential elections, with a new wave of travel bans, detentions, and summons.
Maryam Malek a été arrêtée le 25 avril par des agents des forces de sécurité dans la capitale iranienne, Téhéran.
This month, 42 women were among the 475 people who signed up to run as president, harboring hope that this time, there was a real chance for a female candidate to stand.
The Iranian women’s movement, which in the past years has pursued various ways and means of voicing the demands of Iranian women, and actively sought to achieve these, is on the occasion of the tenth Iranian presidential elections forming a coalition.
International pressure may have set Roxana Saberi free, but the plight of seven Iranian Baha'is, imprisoned in Tehran a year ago, has gone largely unnoticed.
Condamnée à huit ans de prison pour espionnage, la journaliste irano-américaine a vu, 11 mai, sa peine réduite en appel à deux ans avec sursis. Quelques heures plus tard la journaliste a franchi le portail de la prison d'Evine, accueillie par ses parents.
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