
La défenseure des droits des femmes, Mme Shadi Sadr, qui a été arrêtée ce matin, est maintenant détenue dans la prison d’Evin. La durée officielle pour laquelle elle peut être emprisonnée sans accusation est de 24 heures.
The names and stories of the Iranians who have been brutalized or killed in the aftermath of the post-election protests are gradually seeping into a memorial vault of the faces of suffering and endurance in the name of sociopolitical reform.
On Monday, the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington assembled an all-star panel of analysts for perspective on the role of women in the recent Iran election and post-election upheaval.
L’Iran est à la Une des nouvelles internationales. Qu’est-ce qui a conduit aux manifestations de masse ? Comment la situation a-t-elle changé si dramatiquement en une semaine ? Qu’est-ce que veulent les gens ?
The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), requests your urgent intervention in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
June 12 2009, the day that Iranians voted for a new president, was also the fourth anniversary of the demonstration that the women’s movement organized at the University of Tehran in 2005.
A travel ban placed on Nargess Mohammadi in May 2009, while she was on her way to attend a conference convened by the Nobel Women’s Initiative in Guatemala, prevented her from attending this ceremony.
Head of the Majlis judiciary commission Ali Shahrokhi says stoning, heresy and cutting hands will be omitted from Iran's penal laws.
Iranian women have been on the front lines of anti-government protests challenging the official results of the June 12 election, in which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the victor.
Tous les commentaires sur les événements actuels en Iran soulignent le rôle prépondérant joué par les femmes dans la quête de justice et de liberté.
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