
The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources about the release on bail of Ms. Esha Momeni, a member of the One Million Signatures Petition Campaign and a graduate student at the California State University Northridge.
60 économistes iraniens ont dénoncé dans une lettre publiée par les grands quotidiens de Téhéran, les tensions entretenues par le président M. Ahmadinejad avec les pays occidentaux et leurs conséquences, qualifiées de «critiques», sur l’économie nationale
Nobel Peace Laureate Shrin Ebadi on Wednesday criticised Iran's new Islamic penal code, saying it remains unfair to women and uses an "incorrect" interpretation of Islam.
"Iranian intelligence agents detained Esha Momeni, an activist in the One Million Signature Campaign and a graduate student doing research for her thesis on the Iranian women's movement, on 15 October 2008."
Direct link to Noushin Ahmadi Khorasani’s interview with Mahnaz Afkhami, the second woman minister in Iran.
The Iranian regime has stepped up its campaign against human rights defender and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi.
Iran's biggest motor manufacturer is to take the country's gender sensitivity to new levels by producing a car specially for women.
According to information received from the city of Sanandaj, women activists of the One Million Signatures Campaign Ronak Safarzadeh, Hana Abdi, and Fatemeh Goftari, have lost three weeks of visiting rights and transferred to solitary confinement.
The Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) international solidarity network welcomes the news that Iranian lawmakers have amended a contentious new family law proposal, marking a major victory for Iranian women’s rights activists.
Four women who publish their information on the internet have been given prison sentences.
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