
The following is the English text of the speech of Parvin Ardalan, an Iranian women's rights activist, delivered via video during the ceremony where she was presented with the Olaf Palme Award for her work in the field of human rights.
We are delighted to announce the release of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and her son Ali from Choobin Prison, in Takistan, Qazvin, in Iran, where she has been awaiting execution by stoning for adultery for the past ten years.
We are delighted to announce the release of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and her son Ali from Choobin Prison, in Takistan, Qazvin, in Iran, where she has been awaiting execution by stoning for adultery for the past ten years.
An Iranian court has ordered a man to give his wife the 124,000 roses that he promised in her dowry, after she filed a complaint to claim it, reports say.
Iranian feminist and journalist Parvin Ardalan was prevented from leaving Iran on Sunday to travel to Sweden where she was to receive the 2007 Olof Palme Prize in Stockholm.
The film "Football Under Cover" turned out to be the surprise tip of this year's Berlin Film Festival. It tells the story behind the meeting between a multicultural women's soccer club from Berlin and the Iranian national women's team.
Professor and historian Margot Badran laments the recent closing down of Zanan, the Iranian Journal for Women.
Newspapers report a father stoned his daughter to death in Zahedan, Iran.
ایران: حکم سنگسار زهره و آذر کبیری را متوقف کنید
Women's human rights defender Parvin Ardalan has received the Olof Palme Prize for 2007.
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